Youth UnMuted believes that anyone can make an impact, from any location, even with limited resources.
Join Youth UnMuted in its mission to Elevate Youth Voices in the following ways:
By reading and sharing the magazine, you are acknowledging the situations and experiences of the youth - a necessary step in understanding their voices. Most importantly, circulating the magazine helps to propel youth voices further and reach more audiences, strengthening the platform they’ve entrusted with their artwork, personal stories, and imaginations.
Youth UnMuted regularly shares information about pressing issues affecting youth around the world, tips and tools for working with youth, and avenues for increased advocacy. Follow Youth UnMuted on Social Media and share it with your friends and family. Additionally, invite displaced youth in your community to join our network. All youth voices are welcome to contribute to the Magazine and Youth UnMuted would love to connect with them.
Join Youth UnMuted and actively support its mission to elevate youth voices by introducing the Magazines to a local school, community center, or library; hosting an event or fundraiser for Youth UnMuted; inquiring if a local coffee shop or art gallery would display the magazine on their walls. Contact us to learn more!