Youth UnMuted facilitates week long creative storytelling workshops using stop-motion filmmaking, photography, music, writing, and poetry.
Pilot Phase: May - June 2018
The pilot phase took place from May to August 2018 on the island of Lesvos Greece with three partner organizations; Office of Displaced Designers, One Happy Family, and Mosaik Support Center. During this time, Youth UnMuted reached more than 300 youth, lead a collaborative community mural, and co-hosted a community showcase.
Winter Workshops: October - November 2018
The winter series took place from October to December 2018 and was based out of Athens with two partner organizations: SolidarityNow and METAdrasi. During this time, Youth UnMuted reached over 500 youth, created weekly ‘zines with the participants, and traveled to three camps, two community centers, and one educational center.